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Grow your Ketogenic Low Carb community

A couple weeks ago we were able to make one of our goals become a reality. Mr. Low Carb and I have wanted to have monthly low carb potlucks to grow our low carb community and educate on the ketogenic way of life. Finally after months of saying we were going to do this our first one happened on September 12th, 2019. We had a lovely turn out and loads of great food, which I forgot to photograph. We did have another mini one a couple days later for a breakfast version, which I did photograph the food. One out of two isn’t bad, right?

I also gave a presentation for why we want to live the low carb life. It is my plan to give a mini presentation at each potluck focusing on a different aspect each time.

I hope this will encourage some to work to grow their low carb ketogenic community and support. You do not have to give presentations, just get together and share great food and recipes!

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