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I am back!!!!!

It seems like forever and a day since I have written an actual post! In truth it has been forever! The last three-ish years have brought all kinds of challenges and adventures which have unfortuneately taken me away from my keto blog writting! We have gone through Covid, longer tax seasons, a daughter graduating college, three more kids graduating highschool and the parties that went with them, moving to a new city, raising baby chicks into egg laying chickens, a son getting married and divorced, another son getting engaged and an upcoming wedding. So let’s just say life has been busy. My dad moved my website to a new host and is helping to keep it all spiffy so I can focus on content. Oh and I started a YouTube channel!

July 8th 2021 we closed on our new home in a small city and moved on July 19th 2021!

The last two years have been a whirlwind with remodling projects, fencing projects, raising up baby chicks, building them a home and the list goes on. Enjoy a few crazy pictures of my family from when I could catch them together, you will also see me always with a coffee mug. I will spare you all the crazy Baby Yoda memes and chicken coffee memes I post on social media. My goal, a rather lofty goal, going forward is to have at least two new recipe posts or health posts a month. I will also be linking my YouTube videos here! Oh don’t forget to visit my YouTube channel too


I am a mom of 8 beautiful children! Living and teaching finding your proper human diet and healing metabolic health!

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